Monthly Archives: April 2019
F7A 34
Caboose 11616 (Frisco 1288)
- Caboose 11616 (Frisco 1288)
- Caboose 11616 (Frisco 1288)
Caboose 11616 (Frisco 1288) at Ash Grove, Missouri on August 10, 1986 (R.R. Taylor).
Black River Bridge

Black River Bridge at Pocahontas, Arkansas on March 12, 1981 (R.R. Taylor).
The Hoxie Sub crossed the Black River over Bridge 245.1. The ETT referred to the bridge as a “drawbridge”, and local history has it that the bridge over the Black River at Pocahontas was the largest turn-span west of the Mississippi….That is at least at the time of its construction.
From south to north the bridge consisted of a:
542 foot long open-deck pile trestle, the piles were last renewed during 1929,
54 foot deck plate girder,
440 foot riveted truss (turn)
80 foot deck plate girder,
65 foot deck plate girder.
1181 feet total length.
Thanks to Karl Brand for the details.
Frisco Employes’ Magazine – March 1926
SD40-2 953
- SD40-2 953
- SD40-2 953
SD40-2 953 at East Hazel Crest, Illinois on July 16, 1978.