2 Responses to 2-10-0 1622

  1. Chip Walker says:

    One of 20 “Russian Decapods” sold by Baldwin Locomotive Works to the Frisco. Originally, 1,200 were destined for Imperial Russia (the order was placed in 1915), but the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 resulted in the cancellation of the balance of the order after a number of the locomotives already had been built.
    Frisco No. 1621 is preserved at the National Museum of Transportation, near St. Louis. I have a photo, taken last summer.

  2. Karl Brand says:

    The Frisco rostered 21 Bolsheviks, and not 20. The Frisco Bolshiviks had a mixed lineage.
    1613 Richmond
    1614 Richmond
    1615 Richmond
    1616 Richmond
    1617 Richmond
    1618 Richmond
    1619 Richmond
    1620 Richmond
    1621-1st Richmond
    1621 Richmond
    1622 Richmond
    1623 Richmond
    1624 Brooks
    1625 Schenectady
    1626 Brooks
    1627 Baldwin
    1628 Baldwin
    1629 Baldwin
    1630 Baldwin
    1631 Baldwin
    1632 Baldwin

    First 1621, nee 621 was destroyed by a mysterious dynamite explosion. She was replaced by Ft,S, & RI number 101. Frisco 4-6-0 number 614 was sent to the Ft,S, & RI in trade.

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