The books and other publications listed here are recommended reading for the Frisco fan. If you know of items that should be included on this list, please contact us.

Title: Frisco Power
Author(s): Joe G. Collias
Publisher: M.M. Books
Year: 1984 (First Edition)
ISBN: 0-9612366-0-4
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 304
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco Power
Author(s): Joe G. Collias
Publisher: The Frisco Railroad Museum
Year: 1997 (Second Edition)
LCCN: 97-75008
ISBN: 0-931365-17-1
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 322
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco Southwest – A Late Steam-Early Diesel Pictorial
Author(s): John McCall, Frank A. Schultz, III
Publisher: Kachina Press
Year: 1982
LCCN: 83151328
ISBN: 0-930724-07-0
Format: Softcover
Pages: 120
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco Diesel Power
Author(s): Louis A. Marre and John Baskin Harper
Publisher: Interurban Press
Year: 1984
ISBN: 0-916374-66-1
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 147
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco in Color
Author(s): Louis A. Marre and Gregory J. Sommers
Publisher: Morning Sun Books
Year: 1995
LCCN: 95-076902
ISBN: 1-878887-50-5
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco in Color Volume II
Author(s): Greg Stout
Publisher: Morning Sun Books
Year: 2012
LCCN: 95-076902
ISBN: 1-58248-364-7
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Steam Locomotives of the Frisco Line
Author(s): Lloyd E. Stagner
Publisher: Pruett Publishing Company
Year: 1976
ISBN: 0-87108-097-4
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 122
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco Steam Finale 1946-1952
Author(s): Lloyd E. Stagner
Publisher: South Platte Press
Year: 1995
ISBN: 0-942035-33-X
Format: Softcover
Pages: 48
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Nothing Could Be Finer Than A Frisco Diner
Author(s): John W. Reed
Publisher: White River Productions
Year: 2012
ISBN: 1-932804-13-3
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 143
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: The Meteor
Author(s): Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis Historical and Technical Society, Inc.
Publisher: Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis Historical and Technical Society, Inc.
Year: 2015
Format: Softcover
Pages: 198
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: History of the Frisco
Author(s): St. Louis-San Francisco Railway
Publisher: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway
Year: 1962
Format: Softcover
Pages: 32
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: A History of the Frisco Lines 1849-1980
Author(s): The Frisco Railroad Museum
Publisher: The Frisco Railroad Museum
Year: 1991
Format: Softcover
Pages: 32
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: The St. Louis-San Francisco Transcontinental Railroad – The Thirty-fifth Parallel Project 1853-1890
Author(s): H. Craig Miner
Publisher: The University Press of Kansas
Year: 1972
LCCN: 76-163197
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 236
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco Folks – Stories and pictures of the great steam days of the Frisco Railroad
Author(s): William E. Bain
Publisher: Sage Books
Year: 1961
LCCN: 61-14372
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 272
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Frisco Folks – Stories and pictures of the great steam days of the Frisco Railroad
Author(s): William E. Bain
Publisher: Boxcar Books
Year: 1998 (Second Edition)
LCCN: 61-14372
Format: Softcover
Pages: 272
Frisco Content: 100%. (This is a reprint of the earlier book of the same title.)

Title: The Quanah Route – A History of the Quanah, Acme & Pacific Railway
Author(s): Don L. Hofsommer
Publisher: Texas A&M University Press
Year: 1991
ISBN: 0-89093-437-8
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 215
Frisco Content: 100% (QAP/Frisco)

Title: Frisco/Katy Color Guide to Freight Equipment
Author(s): Nicholas John Molo
Publisher: Morning Sun Books
Year: 2003
LCCN: 2002-114500
ISBN: 1-58248-110-5
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: 50% (The other 50% of this book is about the MKT)

Title: The Frisco Meets The Gulf
Author(s): Thomas W. Moody
Publisher: West Florida Railroad Museum
Year: 2014
Format: Softcover
Pages: 51 (Plus Illustrations)
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Guide to the Historical Records of the Frisco
Author(s): Brenda S. Brugger, Mark C. Stauter, John F. Bradbury
Publisher: University of Missouri Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Rolla
Year: 1989
Format: Softcover
Pages: 139
Frisco Content: 100%

Title: Rails Around Missouri
Author(s): Michael C. Kelly
Publisher: KG Productions
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4276-9566-6
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 224
Frisco Content: This book has significant Frisco content and many photographs.

Title: Smoke Over Oklahoma – The Railroad Photographs of Preston George
Author(s): Augustus J. Veenendaal Jr.
Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press
Year: 2017
LCCN: 2016023742
ISBN: 978-0-8061-5568-5
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 194
Frisco Content: This book has more than 30 pages of Frisco content with many photographs.

Title: Trackside Around St. Louis 1952-1959 with Jim Ozment
Author(s): James Sandrin
Publisher: Morning Sun Books
Year: 2000
LCCN: 00-132092
ISBN: 1-58248-039-7
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: A 14 page chapter in this book is devoted to the Frisco

Title: Trackside Around Kansas 1960-1975 with Lloyd E. Stagner
Author(s): Lloyd E. Stagner
Publisher: Morning Sun Books
Year: 2006
LCCN: 2005936545
ISBN: 1-58248-180-6
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: A 5 page chapter in this book is devoted to the Frisco

Title: From the Midwest to Florida By Rail, 1875-1979 (Volume 2)
Author(s): Chuck Blardone (and other contributors)
Publisher: Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-0-9821485-8-7, 0-9821485-8-5
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 476
Frisco Content: Approximately 91 pages

Title: Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis In Color
Author(s): Greg Stout
Publisher: Morning Sun Books
Year: 2007
LCCN: 2007920099
ISBN: 1-58248-212-8
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: This book has significant content of interest for the Frisco fan

Title: Railroading the Modern Way
Author(s): S. Kip Farrington, Jr.
Publisher: Coward-McCann, Inc.
Year: 1951
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 395
Frisco Content: Chapters in this book relating to the Frisco are entitled; The Modern Frisco (Five Thousand Miles of Service), Frisco Lines (Springfield Yard, Supervision from Tower, Color for Efficiency, Diesel Shop), and Frisco Fast Freight (The Staff of Life and a Steel Rail). This book also contains several good Frisco photos.

Title: The Texas Special
Author(s): Various
Publisher: Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis Historical and Technical Society, Inc.
Year: 2009
Format: Softcover
Pages: 149
Frisco Content: The Texas Special was operated jointly by the Frisco and MKT Railroads. This book has significant Frisco content.

Title: Locomotive Quarterly – Fall 1977 – Volume II Number 1
Publisher: Metaphor, Inc.
Year: 1977
Format: Softcover
Pages: 77
Frisco Content: Locomotive Quarterly was a four times per year book quality magazine. This edition contains an article entitled, “Birmingham – Deep South Hub.” The article is 22 pages long with numerous photographs. The article is not 100% Frisco content but there are several Frisco photographs.

Title: Locomotive Quarterly – Summer 1982 – Volume V Number 4
Author(s): Raymond W. Brown
Publisher: Metaphor, Inc.
Year: 1982
Format: Softcover
Pages: 73
Frisco Content: Locomotive Quarterly was a four times per year book quality magazine. This edition contains an article entitled, “The Frisco’s Well-Maintained Mikados.” The article is eight pages long with numerous photographs. Also, in this edition is a page containing a nice piece of Frisco artwork.

Title: Locomotive Quarterly – Spring 1995 – Volume XVIII Number 3
Publisher: Metaphor, Inc.
Year: 1995
Format: Softcover
Pages: 73
Frisco Content: Locomotive Quarterly was a four times per year book quality magazine. This edition contains an article entitled, “Frisco Lines Motive Power, Part 1.” The article is 31 pages long consisting mostly of photographs. As such, this is substantial Frisco content.

Title: Locomotive Quarterly – Spring 1995 – Volume XVIII Number 4
Publisher: Metaphor, Inc.
Year: 1995
Format: Softcover
Pages: 73
Frisco Content: Locomotive Quarterly was a four times per year book quality magazine. This edition contains an article entitled, “Frisco Lines Motive Power, Part 2.” The article is 33 pages long consisting mostly of photographs. As such, this is substantial Frisco content. As a bonus, the cover is a Frisco locomotive (as seen here).

Title: Rails, Rivalry and Romance
Author(s): Donald D. Banwart
Publisher: Historic Preservation Association of Bourbon County (Kansas), Inc./Sekan Printing Company
Year: 1982
LCCN: 81-81814
ISBN: 0-9601568-3-6 (Paperback 0-9601568-2-8)
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 518
Frisco Content: This is a substantial book which normally commands a high price when sold. It has significant content of interest to Frisco fans.

Title: St. Louis Gateway Rail, The 1970s
Author(s): Lesley Barker
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing
Year: 2006
LCCN: 2006924916
ISBN: 0-7385-4070-6
Format: Softcover
Pages: 127
Frisco Content: This book has no less than 22 Frisco photographs and contains significant Frisco content.

Title: St. Louis Union Station
Author(s): Albert Montesi and Richard Deposki
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing
Year: 2002
LCCN: 2002104385
ISBN: 978-0-7385-1983-8
Format: Softcover
Pages: 128
Frisco Content: This book contains no specific Frisco content but it should be of interest to the Frisco fan due to the railroad’s presence in St. Louis.

Title: St. Louis Union Station and its Railroads
Author(s): Norbury L. Wayman
Publisher: Evelyn E. Newman Group
Year: 1987
LCCN: 86-217654
ISBN: 0-9616356-1-4
Format: Softcover
Pages: 176
Frisco Content: This book contains a short chapter on the Frisco and other content of interest to the Frisco fan.

Title: Springfield 1830-1930
Author(s): Anita L. Roberts
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing
Year: 2011
LCCN: 2009943879
ISBN: 978-0-7385-8409-6
Format: Softcover
Pages: 127
Frisco Content: This book has slight Frisco content and few photos.

Title: Railroads of Kansas City
Author(s): Terry Lynch
Publisher: Pruett Publishing Company
Year: 1984
ISBN: 0-87108-637-9
Format: Softcover
Pages: 142
Frisco Content: The story of the railroads that served Kansas City, once the third largest rail center in the United States. The book included a brief history of each road, and the part that it played in the development of Kansas City. The book includes a ten-page chapter on the Frisco.

Title: Railroads of Northwest Arkansas
Author(s): Robert G. Winn
Publisher: Washington County (Arkansas) Historical Society
Year: 1986 (Second Printing 1990)
Format: Softcover
Pages: 136
Frisco Content: Significant

Title: America’s Fighting Railroads
Author(s): Don DeNevi
Publisher: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company
Year: 1996
LCCN: 2009943879
ISBN-10: 1575100010
ISBN-13: 978-1575100012
Format: Softcover
Pages: 152
Frisco Content: The war in which the United States found itself in December 1941 made greater demands upon transportation than any conflict in history. This fact was spectacularly illustrated by the vast distances that American troops and supplies had to traverse to reach far away stations and combat areas. By the end of the war, the nation’s railroads had doubled the freight traffic and quadrupled the passenger traffic handled by them. The Frisco coonskin appears on the cover and the book features some good Frisco content.

Title: Tri-State Traction – The Interurban Trolleys of Southwest Missouri, Southeast Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma
Author(s): Edward A. Conrad
Publisher: Heartland Rails Publishing Company
Year: 2004
ISBN: 0-9761847-0-2
Format: Softcover
Pages: 240
Frisco Content: This subject matter of this book relates to interurban trolleys that operated in part of Frisco country. The Frisco is mentioned or content relates to the Frisco on at least 54 pages in this book.

Title: The Search For Steam
Author(s): Joe G. Collias
Publisher: Howell-North Books
Year: 1972
LCCN: 72-86957
ISBN: 0-8310-7092-7
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 360
Frisco Content: This book has Frisco content on 17 pages with some pages entirely devoted to the Frisco.

Title: The Search For Steam (Second Edition)
Author(s): Joe G. Collias
Publisher: Heimburger House Publishing Company
Year: 1972
LCCN: 72-86957
ISBN: 0-911581-33-2
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 360
Frisco Content: This book has Frisco content on 17 pages with some pages entirely devoted to the Frisco.

Title: Electro-Motive E-Units and F-Units
Author(s): Brian Solomon
Publisher: Voyageur Press
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7603-4007-3
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 160
Frisco Content: This Frisco was known for its E-Units. Although this book does not have significant Frisco content, it has three excellent photos and would be likely to be of interest to Frisco fans.

Title: General Motors F-Units – The Locomotives that Revolutionized Railroading
Author(s): Daniel J. Mulhearn and John R. Taibi
Publisher: Quadrant Press, Inc.
Year: 1982
ISBN: 0-915276-39-9
Format: Softcover
Pages: 82
Frisco Content: This book focuses on F-Units and the many railroads that used them. It includes one very nice Frisco photograph.

Title: Back To The Past – A Pictorial History of Seymour, Missouri, 1881-2006
Author(s): Greater Seymour (Missouri) Area Foundation – Historical Preservation Society
Publisher: Webster County Publishing Co., Inc.
Year: 2008
Format: Softcover
Pages: 69
Frisco Content: This book focuses on the history of Seymour, Missouri – a Frisco town in Webster County Missouri. Although the book is about the town, it has significant Frisco content, as evidenced by the cover. (PDF available here.)

Title: Railroad Stations and Trains Through Arkansas and the Southwest
Author(s): Clifton E. Hull
Publisher: The Arkansas Railroad Club
Year: 1997
ISBN: 09659040-1-6
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 120
Frisco Content: This excellent book contains a six page Frisco chapter as well as other Frisco content.

Title: Burlington Northern and Its Heritage
Author(s): Steve Glischinski
Publisher: Motorbooks International/Andover Junction Publications
Year: 1996
ISBN: 0-7603-0236-7
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 192
Frisco Content: This book contains a 10 page chapter focusing on the Frisco, which includes 15 photographs.

Title: The Diesel’s First 50 Years – A Guide to Diesels Built Before 1972
Author(s): Louis A. Marre
Publisher: Paired Rail Railroad Publications, Ltd.
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-1-937001-01-8
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 480
Frisco Content: This book contains several Frisco photographs as examples of diesel locomotives.

Title: Kansas Train Tales – A Collection of Railroad History
Author(s): Robert Collins
Publisher: Create Space
Year: 2009
ISBN: 1-440499-16-0
Format: Softcover
Pages: 129
Frisco Content: As the title states, this book contains various tales of railroading in Kansas. Some feature the Frisco and the entire book should be on interest to the Frisco fan. It has three Frisco articles; the Andover Train Robbery; the Kansas Southwestern (founded by Frisco, later owned by SF); and the 1880s Halstead Branch.

Title: Ghost Railroads of Kansas
Author(s): Robert Collins
Year: 2009
ISBN: 1-442178-60-4
Format: Softcover
Pages: 96
Frisco Content: Includes brief histories of the Frisco and some of the companies that became part of it; also has a KCFS&M photo, and Frisco photos from Augusta and Beaumont.

Title: The Border Tier Road – Reflection of an Industry
Author(s): Robert Collins
Publisher: South Platte Press
Year: 2003
Format: Softcover
Pages: 48
Frisco Content: History of the former Frisco line from Kansas City to Baxter Springs. It covers from when the founders of Kansas City created the original company, to the KCSF&M era, to Frisco, and to BNSF.

Title: A Missouri Railroad Pioneer: The Life of Louis Houck
Author(s): Joel P. Rhodes
Publisher: University of Missouri Press
Year: 2008
ISBN 10: 0826217982
ISBN 13: 978-0826217981
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 312
Frisco Content: Examines the life of a self-taught Cape Girardeau railroader whose network of more than five hundred miles of track transformed southeastern Missouri in the late nineteenth century. This book is an interesting look into the pioneer of railroading in Southeast Missouri, whose lines were later incorporated into the Frisco Lines and Missouri Pacific. Lawyer and journalist, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Louis Houck is called the Father of Southeast Missouri because he brought the railroad to the region and opened this backwater area to industrialization and modernization. Rhodes considers his career from social and political perspectives, grounding the story in state and national history. He especially tells how this self-taught railroader constructed a network of five hundred miles of track through wetland wilderness, providing a boost for population, agriculture, lumbering, and commerce that transformed Cape Girardeau and the surrounding area.

Title: The Georgian Locomotive
Author(s): H. Stafford Bryant, Jr.
Publisher: Weathervane Books
LCCN: 62-11510
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 90
Frisco Content: 12%. This book is a discourse on design that offers a rich overview of how the choice of appliances and their location produced a truly well-proportioned, handsome machine, the Georgian Steam Locomotive. It gives no set of plans per se, but does offer modelers and enthusiasts a guide to the proportion, decoration and arrangement of appliances that created the distinct appearance of the steam power for each of the railroads studied. The chapter on the Frisco has good commentary and illustrations how this was done on the SL-SF.

Title: Rails West – A Collectors Album of a Vanishing Era in Railroading
Author(s): George B. Abdill
Publisher: Bonanza Books/Superior Publishing Company
Year: 1960
LCCN: 60-14424
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 191
Frisco Content: This book has a chapter on the Frisco.

Title: Train Watchers Guide To St. Louis
Author(s): John Szwajkart
Publisher: John Szwajkart
Year: 1983
Format: Softcover
Pages: 185
Frisco Content: Although published after the BN merger, this small book does contain some Frisco content and will be of interest to Frisco fans.