F3A 66
F3A 66 (ex-5006) (date and location unknown).
F3A 66 (ex-5006) (date and location unknown).
FP7 5044, F3A 5002 and GP7 556 at St. Louis, Missouri (date unknown).
F3A 5017 leads a train at Fordland, Missouri (date unknown).
F3A 64 (ex-5012) at Springfield, Missouri in February 1971 (Golden Spike Productions).
F3A 5001 (date and location unknown).
F3A 5014 (date and location unknown).
FA-1 5213 and F3A 5009 at Lindenwood Shops, St. Louis, Missouri on July 24, 1961.
F3A 5009 leads a freight train at Sapulpa, Oklahoma in December 1960 (Al Chione).
F3A 5008 at East Point, Georgia in June 1959.
F3A 5015 with a B-Unit at St. Louis, Missouri (date unknown).
This is the south end of the Mechanical Department’s diesel shop area and yard at Lindenwood. At the upper left edge of the photograph can bee seen the southeast corner of the diesel shop building.
The photograph was shot from the former Fyler Avenue bridge over the yard and the view is looking northeast.
Special thanks to Mark Davidson.