U30B 861 and GP38ACs 639 and 637
U30B 861 and GP38ACs 639 and 637 at Memphis, Tennessee on February 7, 1979 (G.J. Sommers).
U30B 861 and GP38ACs 639 and 637 at Memphis, Tennessee on February 7, 1979 (G.J. Sommers).
GP38AC 637 at Kansas City, Missouri on October 23, 1978 (Jim Wilson).
GP38AC 637 in the C&EI Dolton Yard, Chicago, Illinois on September 5, 1976.
GP38AC 637 at Tulsa, Oklahoma on January 3, 1981 (J. Harlen Wilson).
GP38AC 637 at Muskogee, Oklahoma on June 17, 1978 (R.M. Leach).
GP38AC 637 at Memphis, Tennessee in March 1981 (Lon Coone).
MOPAC sandwich: GP38AC 637 (location unknown) on August 21, 1976 (John Eagan).
GP38ACs 637 and 642 at Dolton, Illinois in October 1976.
SD45 902 at Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 14, 1980. GP38AC 637 is also identified in the background.
GP38AC 637 at Kansas City, Missouri in July 1972 (Vernon Ryder).
This view is of the engine facility service tracks at 19th Street Yard. The locomotive is on service track number one. The shadow in the lower left corner is from the diesel shop building. The building on the right houses locker rooms, offices and storage. The view is looking southwest.
In the distance, at the south end of the yard, is the bridge for West 22nd Street. This bridge is adjacent to the facilities for American Royal. Just to the west, after it crosses the Kansas River and into Kansas City, Kansas, the road name becomes Kansas Avenue.
Special thanks to Mark Davidson.