Tag Archives: 2002
E7A 2002 (Comanche)

E7A 2002 (Comanche) at Springfield, Missouri on July 7, 1962 (Arthur B. Johnson).
E7A 2002

E7A 2002 at Springfield, Missouri (date unknown).
This is the passenger station locomotive service track area just northwest of the Springfield Depot complex. The passenger locomotives in this early pairing are E7A 2001 and 2002. Due to the open coupler shroud on the west end, it is speculated that the locomotive consist is for an east (St. Louis) or south (Memphis/Birmingham) bound train.
Steam locomotives are still in service and at least one can be seen in the distance on the north depot tracks. To the left of the diesels, above the steam engine, the bridge overpass running north (left) to south (right) in the distance is North Grant Avenue. The depot is in the distance hidden behind the locomotives.
To the immediate south of this location and extending to the west is the South Yard. This yard was the original main yard in Springfield of the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railway Company (KCFS&M). After its merger with the Frisco in 1901, it became a satellite yard to service the depot and local industries.
The date of the photograph is shortly after the delivery of the first E7A units in March 1947. The Frisco ended the use of steam in February 1952. The use of steam ended earlier than that date in the Springfield area.
The photograph was taken from very near West Wall Street and North Missouri Avenue and the view is looking southeast.
Special thanks to Mark Davidson.