6 Responses to 2-8-2 4152

  1. TAG1014 says:

    Does anyone else think that 4152 might be heading up a passenger train?? Looks like the car behind the tender is an express boxcar or reefer.

    Tom G.

  2. Christopher Abernathy says:

    Tom, I’d put my money on just a run-of-the-mill refrigerator car. While it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of passenger service, the lack of high-speed/express trucks on it is what I use for my best-guess.

    Best Regards,

  3. TAG1014 says:

    I thought I could “express something” lettered on the car. Very blurry though.

    Tom G.

  4. magistrate says:

    It looks like she is in a freight yard going by the caboose in the background

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