FA-1 5204 at Oklahoma City, OK (date unknown).
OKC on the main line west of the yard (the yard sets east of the bridge you see in the back ground) and they are about to go under the ATSF and around Union Station trackage. The spur on the fireman’s side went to the connection track with the ATSF. The spur on the engineers side went to Producers CO-OP. Off the switch to Producers was a plant that rendered leather products. Many car load of dead cows were spotted, that made for some interesting smells. One of the switchman like to tell the story of coming eye ball to eye ball while tying a hand brake on a gondola load of cow hides. By looking at the consist I would guess that to be train QSF.
Special thanks to Jerome Lutzenberger.
I believe this is OKC.
Indeed, OKC…It looks like the second unit, FB, still has an ALCO prime mover.
Karl, now I’m curious – what are the identifying characteristics – topside or otherwise – for the EMD-repowered FA/FBs versus the originals? All I recognize and am familiar with are the vents that look like part of a battleship waiting to be outfitted with 16″ guns.
The id of a re-engined Frisco FA is simple. If the unit has two exhaust stacks, it has an EMD 567 prime mover.
It doesn’t get much simpler than that, Karl – many thanks. Now I’m going to be eager to see as many topside FA views as I can find.
OKC on the main line west of the yard (the yard sets east of the bridge you see in the back ground) and they are about to go under the ATSF and around Union Station trackage. The spur on the fireman’s side went to the connection track with the ATSF. The spur on the engineers side went to Producers CO-OP. Off the switch to Producers was a plant that rendered leather products. Many car load of dead cows were spotted, that made for some interesting smells. One of the switchman like to tell the story of coming eye ball to eye ball while tying a hand brake on a gondola load of cow hides. By looking at the consist I would guess that to be train QSF. Jerome