One Response to Frisco Employes’ Magazine – June 1928

  1. Christopher Abernathy says:

    This one has some pretty outstanding content:
    -Article on opening of new Yale Terminal (pp. 6-8)
    -Photo of a sign set up by the Chaffee Chamber of Commerce alongside the ROW, advertising not only the Frisco and Chaffee but also the C&EI (p. 20)
    -Drawing of the “new” Poplar Bluff depot to be constructed, replacing one destroyed by a tornado (p. 30)
    -Icing of strawberry shipments (p. 30)
    -Drawing of a “Portable Lye Tank for Lyeing Out Air Pumps” (p. 40)
    -Large, 2-page aerial view of new Yale Yards (p. 42-43)

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