FA-1 5217 at Bridge Junction, MP C481.4 (date unknown).
This image depicts a northbound freight at Bridge Junction, MP C481.4, as it prepares to cross the A&MRyB&T (Rock Island, Iron Mountain, and Cotton Belt) crossing. In the background, the double track and a signal bridge of the A&MRyB&T can be seen. One can also see the A&MRyB&T pole line as it gains height to pass over the Frisco’s Memphis Sub. The interchange can be seen in the foreground. The Harahan and the Frisco bridges are visible in the hazy background on the right.
The photo’s low angle does not give a good view of 5217’s roof line, which would help determine if the 5217 has received an EMD prime mover.
Special thanks to Karl Brand.
This image depicts a northbound freight at Bridge Junction, MP C481.4, as it prepares to cross the A&MRyB&T (Rock Island, Iron Mountain, and Cotton Belt) crossing. In the background, the double track and a signal bridge of the A&MRyB&T can be seen. One can also see the A&MRyB&T pole line as it gains height to pass over the Frisco’s Memphis Sub. The interchange can be seen in the foreground. The Harahan and the Frisco bridges are visible in the hazy background on the left.
The photo’s low angle does not give a good view of 5217’s roof line, which would help determine if the 5217 has received an EMD prime mover.
Errata: The bridges are in the right-side background.