GP38AC 634
GP38AC 634 at Tulsa, Oklahoma (date unknown) (John Gwinn).
GP38AC 634 at Tulsa, Oklahoma (date unknown) (John Gwinn).
GP38AC 643 at Hialeah, Florida in January 1973 (Robert Olesski).
GP38AC 652 at Springfield, Missouri on March 26, 1980 (Bob Graham).
GP38ACs 647 and 650 at Kansas City, Missouri (date unknown).
GP38AC 652 (location unknown) in May 1973.
GP38AC 653 at St. Louis, Missouri on August 30, 1980 (Frank Szachacz).
GP38AC 658 Birmingham, Alabama in August 1971 (Robert Olsesski).
This photograph was taken in the locomotive mechanical area at Frisco’s East Thomas Yard. Behind the subject diesel is the truncated former steam engine roundhouse repurposed for diesel locomotive maintenance. Also identified in this image is GP38AC 634.
The view is looking to the northwest.
Special thanks to Mark Davidson.
GP38AC 644 at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 5, 1978 (James Holder).
GP38AC 641, U25Bs 824 and 826, and GP38-2 412 (location unknown) in July 1978.
GP38AC 646 and F9B 140 at Hillsdale, Kansas (date unknown).