E8A 2021 (Gallahadion) (date and location unknown).
U25B 830 and GP35 711
U25B 830 and GP35 711 at Thayer, Missouri on December 29, 1978 (R.R. Taylor).
Posted in RT Collection
Tagged 711, 830, Electro-Motive Division, General Electric, GP35, U25B
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GP7 548
GP7 548 at Springfield, Missouri on August 20, 1967.
SD40-2 950
SD40-2 950 at East Hazel Crest, Illinois on July 17, 1978.
4-8-4 4522
4-8-4 4522 (date and location unknown) (M. Morrow).
Caboose 1704
Caboose 1704 at Thayer, Missouri on December 29, 1978 (R.R. Taylor).
Hopper 78970
Hopper 78970 (date and location unknown).
GP7 627
GP7 627 at Winfield, Kansas in June 1969.
Coach 1096 (Maplewood)
Coach 1096 (Maplewood) (date unknown) (Mike Condren).
Caboose 1717
Caboose 1717 at Thayer, Missouri on December 29, 1978 (R.R. Taylor).