One Response to Flatcar 95771

  1. Mark Davidson says:

    Location is Springfield, Missouri.

    The image was taken near the west end of the West Shops complex at Springfield / Kansas Avenue / West Yard. The West Shops were constructed by the Arnold Engineering and Construction Company of Chicago, Illinois. Construction of the multi building shops complex began in 1907, with an official opening on July 5, 1909.

    The building on the right is the old coach, cabinet and upholstery shop. The 208’ x 379’ masonry non-combustible building stood 32’ tall with a centered 10’ raised longitudinal skylight. On either side of the roof adjacent to the central skylight are three longitudinal rows of wire screen glass inclined skylights. The coach shop had 10 track bays, the adjacent cabinet and upholstery shop had one track bay.

    Below the flat car coupler is the 1,338’ long north transfer table pit wall. To its left are three of the five east-west transfer table tracks that served the building. At the end of the pit, rising above the center rail is a wood power pole supporting overhead electric lines for the trolly poles that transfer power to the transfer tables. There were two 85’ long transfer tables powered by electric motors that served the West Shops buildings complex.

    In the distance on the left is the wheel shop. Just the aluminum letters of the word “shop” are visible on the east wall of the building. The image cuts off the rest of that shop building with the word “wheel”. To the south, near this end and across the transfer table pit is the old paint shop building.

    The photograph date is the early 1970s. The flat car was last weighed and stenciled on 2/1970. The shop building would be torn down before 1975 to make room for converting the former locomotive erecting and machine shop into the Consolidated Mechanical Shops.

    View is looking west.

    Hope this helps.



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