Tag Archives: 1259
2-8-0 1259
Caboose 1259
Caboose 11587 (Frisco 1259)
Caboose 1259
2-8-0 1259

2-8-0 1259 (Contributed by William Fuller).
The tall gentleman with his foot upon a block has been identified as William Thompson Fuller, who is listed in the 1900 Census of Paris, Lamar County, Texas as “Engineer (Locomotive).” The other two men have not been identified, nor do we know for sure where or when the photograph was taken.
Frisco.org resident expert Karl Brand offers further information on this image: The locomotive was built by Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1909 and rebuilt circa 1928 at which time it received piston valves and a Schmidt super-heater, which improved it looks and horsepower. The locomotive retains it Hancock locomotive class designation, i.e., C43, which is painted on the cab side, below the word “FRISCO.” The date of the photo is likely around 1915.