Train is westbound at the Newburg depot, MP 119.1. The community was a division point between the Rolla Subdivision – St. Louis, MP 0.0 to Newburg, and the Lebanon Subdivision – Newburg to Springfield, MP 239.1. For freight operations Springfield Yard is MP 239.7.
Note the workman on baggage cart next to the baggage car. On the adjacent depot platform are several United States Army personnel in their khaki uniforms and caps. Suspect the soldiers are awaiting the unloading of their bags, foot lockers and other items in preparation for a bus ride to nearby Fort Leonard Wood.
Just 2.4 miles to the west is Bundy Junction, MP 121.5. In 1940-1941 the government built a branch line from the Frisco to the new military base at Fort Lenoard Wood. The branch runs to the south with mostly a 1.5 percent grade, but in places approached 3.0%. The branch has been operated over time by the Frisco, the military and currently by a military contractor.
Located in the Ozarks Mountains, the base occupies an area of 97.6 square miles. Originally intended as an infantry training base, “Fort Wood” became an engineer training post. During World War II it was also a prisoner of war (POW) internment center for German and Italian soldiers. In more recent times, the garrison has grown to include the Army’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School, Military Police School and Transportation and Maneuver Support Center of Excellence.
On the right, sandwiched between the community and depot to the north, and Little Piney Creek to the south is Newburg Yard. In the days of steam, the railroad maintained a large roundhouse and coaling facility at Newburg. Located in the larger Gasconade River valley drainage basin, the facilities not only supported typical division point services it also supported locomotive helper service up Rolla Hill to the east and Dixon Hill to the west.
Location is Newburg, Missouri.
Train is westbound at the Newburg depot, MP 119.1. The community was a division point between the Rolla Subdivision – St. Louis, MP 0.0 to Newburg, and the Lebanon Subdivision – Newburg to Springfield, MP 239.1. For freight operations Springfield Yard is MP 239.7.
Note the workman on baggage cart next to the baggage car. On the adjacent depot platform are several United States Army personnel in their khaki uniforms and caps. Suspect the soldiers are awaiting the unloading of their bags, foot lockers and other items in preparation for a bus ride to nearby Fort Leonard Wood.
Just 2.4 miles to the west is Bundy Junction, MP 121.5. In 1940-1941 the government built a branch line from the Frisco to the new military base at Fort Lenoard Wood. The branch runs to the south with mostly a 1.5 percent grade, but in places approached 3.0%. The branch has been operated over time by the Frisco, the military and currently by a military contractor.
Located in the Ozarks Mountains, the base occupies an area of 97.6 square miles. Originally intended as an infantry training base, “Fort Wood” became an engineer training post. During World War II it was also a prisoner of war (POW) internment center for German and Italian soldiers. In more recent times, the garrison has grown to include the Army’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School, Military Police School and Transportation and Maneuver Support Center of Excellence.
On the right, sandwiched between the community and depot to the north, and Little Piney Creek to the south is Newburg Yard. In the days of steam, the railroad maintained a large roundhouse and coaling facility at Newburg. Located in the larger Gasconade River valley drainage basin, the facilities not only supported typical division point services it also supported locomotive helper service up Rolla Hill to the east and Dixon Hill to the west.
View is looking east southeast.
Hope this helps.