
5017 and friends

5017 and friends
FriscoCharlie, Jul 24, 2013
mountaincreekar likes this.
    • yardmaster
      Would this location be Lindenwood Yard?
    • pensive
      Chris, this looks like Lindenwood yard to me, with the Fyler Ave. bridge overhead. I wonder what the story is on the louvers between the portholes on 5017; They seem more appropriate for an F9 rather than an F3.
    • geep07
      @pensive Could be a conversion from F3 to an F7
    • meteor910
      All the Frisco F3A's had those louvers.
    • Karl Stevenson
      Change from original F3 horizontal louvers to F9 split vertical louvers on this unit for some reason at some point. If you look at 5012 and 5014 later in this album they have the original as built horizontal louvers at the time their portraits were taken. Not sure if all units were changed at some point or not.
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    Frisco Diesel Pictures
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    Jul 24, 2013
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